What I track:

I use cookies to keep you from clicking on buttons too frequently. These are stored on your computer, not mine.

I use session data to count the number of users online. I may track the number of Hugs or MeToos you click on during a session, but not which ones.

I don't ask for your name or email or require you to log in. I want you to feel safe sharing personal feelings.

Shared feelings are displayed randomly. You cannot get your share to show up at the top by changing the number of Hugs or MeToos.

What I will not allow:

If you submit anything with cursing, advertising, explicit descriptions, or anything I don't like, I will delete your submission.

I will not allow any personally identifiable information to be published, so please don't include it. This means names, places, or specific circumstances or traits that would allow someone to find you.

If I think your submission may be of value to others but it has misspellings or bad grammar, I will make corrections.